Kids Plant Michelle Obama’s White House Kitchen Garden for the Last Time

white-house-garden2On the South Lawn of the White House property, Michelle Obama helped kids plant lettuce and other crops including the same variety of lettuce that was grown on the International Space Station. During the last two terms, the first lady has been surprising kids in the classroom and helping them become more aquatinted with nutritious food.  The last time a kitchen garden was planted at the White House was during World War 2, era of the “Victory Garden”.

“It was eight years ago that we cooked up this really interesting idea, that maybe we could dig up some dirt of the South Lawn-maybe someone would let us do that, and we could plant a wonderful garden that would be a space where we could talk about the food we eat,” the first lady said before working with elementary-school students from Washington, D.C., schools and kids visiting from around the country.

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