How a simple blood test could improve life for more than half of depression patients.

If you’ve tried antidepressants to treat your depression, you probably already know this, but finding the right one can be a trial. There are many different antidepressants out there today, and each works differently. Photo from Joe Raedle/Getty Images. About 1 in 5 Americans will experience major depression during their lifetime. Antidepressant medication, either alone […]

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A coworker’s simple gesture saved this cop’s life. Hear his powerful story.

The stigma surrounding depression kills, making speech that much more important. Officer Morgan Givens sat in his squad car, holding his police-issue gun against his temple. “I made a bet with myself,” he recalls. “If the dispatcher called me in two minutes, I wouldn’t do it. And then 20 seconds before those two minutes were […]

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President Obama had some sympathetic words for the GOP. Every voter should hear them.

After slow-jamming the news with the president of the United States, Jimmy Fallon asked the commander-in-chief if he thought the Republicans were happy with Donald Trump as their nominee. Image via “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”/YouTube. Naturally, the president couldn’t resist the obvious dig. GIF via “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”/YouTube. But the […]

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What to grow in June 2016

Oops, my apologies. I was so focused on writing the composting articles this month, I completely forgot that I hadn’t posted plantings for June. Finally, cold weather is setting in, which means it is time to start making marmalade, lemon curd or preserved lemons as citrus fruit ripens. It is also time to set up […]

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Meet Mia from “Mia’s Little Farm”, Life on a Tiny Urban Farm in Nashville, TN. (Interview)

Urban Organic Gardener Interviewing Mia from “@miaslittlefarm” What state and grow zone do you live in? I live (and garden!) in Nashville, TN, which is zone 7a. We are blessed with an incredibly long growing season here. It’s not unusual to be able to grow things from March – December. Tell us more about your efforts […]

Read more "Meet Mia from “Mia’s Little Farm”, Life on a Tiny Urban Farm in Nashville, TN. (Interview)"